I am an amazingly caring, attentive and affectionate woman and I will surely respect my future partner whole heartedly, be his shoulder to lean on, no matter what. I realize that sometimes tough times are the most testing phases of a relationship and I will surely stand by my soul mate as when the storm ends, love will shine brighter. 😃 I am a real optimist and I see no reasons in negative thinking. I believe that there is a solution in any situation and with a definite portion of stamina, effective reaction and proper efforts any result can be achieved. I am patient and understanding in the relationship and I am able to evaluate the situation by putting myself in my beloved man's shoes, to compromise if it is necessarily. I will fall in love with my partner for the great person that he is - I will always remember that and will not try to change him and love him unconditionally not matter how pathetic it might sound.
I have a really creative nature and it finds a reflection in my work and everyday life. I enjoy cooking a lot and the dishes I regularly create are amazing. My future partner will be impressed with my cakes and tarts I bake with pleasure. I enjoy being active and I exercise to keep fit. I adore cycling with my son. I love nature and tourism. I believe that life is priceless, our world is our treasure. Staying at home I enjoy reading, watching TV, making my home comfortable.