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Online dating in Ulan-Ude with Asya: Hobbies: I am cook by profession so logically...

Send FREE Message to 47061Asya

  • 30 Jahre alt frau, Sternzeichen: Steinbock
  • Ulan-Ude, Russia
  • English(Mittel)
  • mit Kindern
  • Zuletzt Online: 14. Dezember 2016
  • ID: 1001090329
  • Freunde:

Private Daten und Kontaktinformationen
Persönliche Daten
Geschlecht frau
Kinder mit Kindern
will Kinder haben Ich sage es dir später
Größe 5'2" - 5'3" (156-160cm)
Körperbau Schlank
Ethnizität Kaukasisch
Religion Christ
Familienstand Single
Raucher Nein
Trinker(in) Nein
Details der Person die Sie suchen
Ich suche männlich
Ich suche nach einer Altersgruppe 22-35
Ich suche nach der Größe 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170cm)
Ich suche nach Körperbau
Beziehung Ehe
Hobbies: I am cook by profession so logically cooking is my main hobby at the same time. I like cooking, creating new meals, making sweet and salty surprises for my dear people., Personality: I live in Russia� I am kind, faithful, trustful, sociable woman and like meeting with my friends, communicating with new people. I feel myself comfortable in companies., Personal:I am romantic and dream about real love!!!!.. I am girl with blond hair, calm character. I like singing. I dream about meeting loving husband near whom all problems will be not important as we will solve them together.. As I have a daughter, I am looking for faithful person and good father for my daughter.
Beschreibung eines idealen Partners(einer idealen Partnerin):
You are kind, faithful, brave, intelligent, love children, nice.. I am looking for young man who can provide everything necessary for his family. You don�t drink hard drinks!!! You are nice, with good kind character and you are always ready to take decisions.

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Dating with 47061Asya 30 Jahre alt frau, Sternzeichen: Steinbock from Ulan-Ude, Russia for dating, romance, love and marriage on

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