I have just retired after a 30 year career as a professional fire fighter. I am still fit and capable. I am also a licensed carpenter, auto mechanic, electrician, and plumber. I can fix anything 😃
I also enjoy doing and watching sports, reading, the beach, road trips, swimming, hot tubs, hotsprings, tennis, canoeing, sailing, campfires, fireplace with wine and romance.
I like kissing, hugging, spooning, tenderness, giving and receiving a tender touch 😃
I am sorry that I have not responded to all the lovely letters. I have been so busy, selling my home of 30 years, packing up my life, and moving from the prairies to the west coast by the sea. It was a lot of work to do that and mostly without help and it has taken 4 to 5 months.
My grandparents immigrated to Canada from the Ukraine in early 1900's.
I am seeking love, my partner, my soulmate. I am free to travel anywhere in the world so wherever you are, I can come to you and meet you 😃
I like Red hair ...and black, brunette and blonde ..even grey 😃 But it is your eyes that will blind me to all else and weaken me, allowing love to enter my heart. I want that. I will travel anywhere to find you, the love of my life 😃
Dating with LeoDee33 71 y/o male, Zodiac: Leo from Vancouver, Canada, Canada for dating, romance, love and marriage on WomenBrides.com.
. Dating
. Hot
18-25 years old.
. International
26-30 years old.
. Beautiful
31-35 years old.
. Single
more 36 years old.