I am very intelligent, romantic, sensual, sexual and giving. I am looking for true intimacy, emotional, physical and spiritual. I am looking for a very beautiful woman who is confident in her beauty, whose mind, heart and soul match her physical beauty, appreciates intelligence and thinks she can keep up with me. She must have sensitive breasts and tell me in her letter to know for compatibility. And if you’re going to go to the trouble to write me, show me your intelligence and give me access to your private photos so I know you are serious. Thank you.
I also enjoy animals, golf, reading, giving and getting full body massages for hours with warm oil.
Confident in her beauty, giving and loyal. Someone whose heart, mind and soul match her physical beauty and who also is looking for true intimacy.
She is intelligent, appreciates intelligence, romance, sensuality and sexuality and will express this with me in her first letter telling me she has sensitive breasts. Someone who thinks she can keep up with me, heart, mind, soul and sexually.
Dating with Restoredrob 51 y/o male, Zodiac: Gemini from Scottsdale, USA for dating, romance, love and marriage on WomenBrides.com.
. Dating
. Hot
18-25 years old.
. International
26-30 years old.
. Beautiful
31-35 years old.
. Single
more 36 years old.